we are manufactures, importers and exporters of all kind of cables
C.E.O Message
With our diversified range of cables, we cater to the requirements of a broad spectrum of industries and clients. Welcome to the place where the ideas and planning are executed and are given ultimate test of market acceptance. Prime Cables Management has kept an eye on the new trends emerging in the global economy and technological environment. Group has kept pace with global trends by adopting state of the art which enabled us to provide quality, higher productivity, and increased sales. with the help of advance technology and skillful employers. The company has emerged as a pioneer in the electrical field.
We believe that we must satisfy all our exchange partners and displays of customer orientation must be rewarded. We are intending to distribute high quality products and are determined to adopt and employ most modern ways and latest technology.
May ALLAH ALMIGHTY give us strength and courage to take the Prime Cables higher and higher.

Director Message
“And man gets whatever he strives for”
Welcome to the family of Prime Cables!
Prime Cable Industries has always laid a great emphasis on manufacturing excellence, technological advancement and customer satisfaction. Our in house process control and quality assurance experts ensure that every customer receives a high quality product. Furthermore, our organization culture is one that encourages constant growth and improvement.
All this have been achievable with the grace of Almighty Allah, prayers of our parents and untiring hard work of Friends Cables team members. All of the team members are thankful to their clients for their complete faith on Prime Cables as well as their suppliers for their complete support, responsiveness and soft corner for Prime